I'd say our party is going well...
what I got from my secret Santa in our festivus gift exchange
searing the beef before it goes in the chili
my chili is going to be SPICY!!!
this one is for @robgokee #tacos
perfect day for disc golf
chili mac&cheese, spinach & carrots with roasted paprika butternut squash #foodimade
roasted butternut squash with salt, pepper an paprika
my very last free block of cheese from @tillamookcheese sad. (can I win another year please)
stroking @sandeepparikh's ever so delicate ego
my little garden. I think about two more weeks before I start testing a harvest
new dominion cards have been sleeved and added to "the box"
Korean BBQ aftermath for @duckliondog's bday
frosty lettuce in my garden
treating myself to a beautiful steak at Harris Ranch #dinner #tableforone #cheaperthanatablefortwo
from my sister #catan cc @ethannewberry @mysteryguitarm @destorm @jfwong @strawburry17
this should make a fun evening.
red snapper and baby Bok choi
under the canopy before the Indy ride
from the roof of location #2 #pano
location #2 for the day #pano
making the early call time worth it
sing it with me: it's a small world...
not getting tired of seeing this #StarToursMarathon
this makes me VERY HAPPY inside #StarToursMarathon
I own this country. cc @ethannewberry @jfwong
making @thestephthorpe look good
my star wars #tatshot for @lexigeek's un-bday
6a carpool to set with @geekyjessica
totally geeking out over my new precision dice. cc @davidnett @tronglodon